
Naine / 26 aastat / Kaljukits

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United Kingdom, Sweetland
Etniline kuuluvusValge/Kaukaaslane
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My name is Laura, I am very friendly and open person. Talk to me...

Mulle meeldib

1. When a guy has really nice forearms and butt 2.Guys in tailored suits that don't look like they previously belonged to their dads. 3. When guys seem like really good dads 4. A reasonably fit guy in a slightly too tight white T-shirt. 5. Kindness and

Veel ...

1. When a guy has really nice forearms an butt 2.Guys in tailored suits that don't look like they previously belonged to their dads. 3. When guys seem like really good dads 4. A reasonably fit guy in a slightly too tight white T-shirt. 5. When men roll u

1. When a guy has really nice forearms and butt 2.Guys in tailored suits that don't look like they previously belonged to their dads. 3. When guys seem like really good dads 4. A reasonably fit guy in a slightly too tight white T-shirt. 5. Kindness...

Mulle ei meeldi

1.Men that wear the same exact shirt every single day. 2.Men that are unemployed and have no interest in trying to find a job 3. Men that can’t form a complete sentence without throwing a curse word into it. 4. Men that are overly attached to their mother

Veel ...

1.Men that wear the same exact shirt every single day. 2.Men that are unemployed and have no interest in trying to find a job 3. Men that can’t form a complete sentence without throwing a curse word into it. 4. Men that are overly attached to their

1.Men that wear the same exact shirt every single day. 2.Men that are unemployed and have no interest in trying to find a job 3. Men that can’t form a complete sentence without throwing a curse word into it. 4. Men that are overly attached to...

1.Men that wear the same exact shirt every single day. 2.Men that are unemployed and have no interest in trying to find a job 3. Men that can’t form a complete sentence without throwing a curse word into it. 4. Men that are overly attached to their

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