
Naine / 25 aastat / Neitsi

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NimetusLolakisss (Rimaxxxx)
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I am as I am, I will not be different, I am as I am, I will remain so I can be naive, sometimes harmful, but such as it is - I am alone in the world I am who I am, I know how to love, whoever sees me will not be able to forget I know how to caress, but I know how to beat, I know how to save, and I know how to ruin I am who I am, I look like a passion, building a life for myself - I have time to break I'm a little sad, and I laugh a little, I'm fearless, but I'm also afraid I am who I am, I love to help, but sometimes I can't help but scream I am free, I am alone, I can be ardent, and then cold

Veel ...

I am as I am, I will not be different, I am as I am, I will remain so I can be naive, sometimes harmful, but such as it is - I am alone in the world I am who I am, I know how to love, whoever sees me will not be able to forget I know how to caress, but I know how to beat, I know how to save, and I know how to ruin I am who I am, I look like a passion, building a life for myself - I have time to break I'm a little sad, and I laugh a little, I'm fearless, but I'm also afraid I am who I am, I love to help, but sometimes I can't help but scream I am free, I am alone, I can be ardent, and then cold

Я такая как есть, я не буду другой, я такая как есть, я останусь такой Я бываю наивна, бываю вредна, но такая, как есть — я на свете одна Я такая как есть, я умею любить, кто увидит меня, тот не сможет забыть Я умею ласкать, но умею и бить, я умею

I am as I am, I will not be different, I am as I am, I will remain so I can be naive, sometimes harmful, but such as it is - I am alone in the world I am who I am, I know how to love, whoever sees me will not be able to forget I know how to caress, but I

Mulle meeldib

I am as I am, I will not be different, I am as I am, I will remain so I can be naive, sometimes harmful, but such as it is - I am alone in the world I am who I am, I know how to love, whoever sees me will not be able to forget I know how to caress, but I know how to beat, I know how to save, and I know how to ruin I am who I am, I look like a passion, building a life for myself - I have time to break I'm a little sad, and I laugh a little, I'm fearless, but I'm also afraid I am who I am, I love to help, but sometimes I can't help but scream I am free, I am alone, I can be ardent, and then cold

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