
Naine / 23 aastat / Skorpion

Ta pole praegu võrgus. Viimane kord oli hiljuti.

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Yah No, Your Moms House
Etniline kuuluvusValge/Kaukaaslane
KeeledInglise, Prantsuse
Busti suurusSuur
Perse suurusKeskmine


Here's how it works: PLEASE CHECK MY TIP MENU OR SEND AN INQUIRY IN TIP NOT ABOUT PVT. 👉Do not expect/demand PM while other members are tipping or while I’m performing. 👉Want an answer? Put it in a tip note. 👉If you’re not tipping don’t complain or ask for anything 👉 I don’t do anything for free so choice is yours from my time menu 👉Trollz get banned 👉Zero tips means I chill and relax 👉More tips makes me perform THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING NIKKI GLAZER 2B Crowned 👑👸🏼 HIT THAT BOOST TO THE TOP!!!

Mulle meeldib

FAV TIP 101/111. The more I get the more crazy when I feel ready.

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FAV TIP 101/111

APEX PREDATORS: Bulls, Whales, Kings, Sharks With Fat Wallets Dominant APEX Predators On the Food Chain HIGHEST TOTAL TIPPERS: Receive Follow back Become Nikki’s APEX GLAZER MEMBER

Mulle ei meeldi

Asking for things first without tipping. I’ll make sure you never see it or silenced and then ban.

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Cum in my hair. It’s like fuckin glue !

Viewers that show 0 tokens and sit in my room without tipping knowing they fill up the account right in front of me to them tip. Real men Pay for my service only please.

Viewers that show 0 tokens and sit in my room without tipping knowing they fill up the account right in front of me to then tip. Tip = Pay for my service only please. It’s a win win

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