Naine / 32 aastat / Jäär
Ta pole praegu võrgus. Viimane kord oli täna.
Nimetus | LorraineOSun |
Kus | Poland |
Etniline kuuluvus | Valge/Kaukaaslane |
Keeled | Vene |
Eelistused | Biseksuaal |
Kõrgus | 167 |
Kaal | 49 |
Busti suurus | Keskmine |
Perse suurus | Keskmine |
Tuss | Raseeritud |
Juuksevärv | Brünetid |
Silmavärv | Pruunid |
I love making friends I can have a wonderful time with
I love making friends I can have a wonderful time with
Mulle meeldib
I like men who are self-confident enough to not be afraid of a strong woman. Be that man and I will fulfill all your expectations
I do not like to be bored. Come and play with me if you are brave enough
I like men who are self-confident enough to not be afraid of a strong woman. Be that man and I will fulfill all your expectations
I like men who are self-confident enough to not be afraid of a strong woman. Be that man and I will fulfill all your expectations
Mulle ei meeldi
I do not like to be bored. Come and play with me if you are brave enough
I do not like to be bored. Come and play with me if you are brave enough
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- Täielik privaatne vestlus 90+ Tokeni eest
- Grupivestlus 20-39 Tokeni eest
- Koduperenaine küps
- Koduperenaine valge
- suudlemine
- massaaž
- Keskmised tissid küps
- Keskmised tissid valge
- Privaatsed 30-59 Tokeni eest
- Vene
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- Valge küps