Naine / 49 aastat / Kaalud
Ta pole praegu võrgus. Viimane kord oli eile päev.
Nimetus | InannaIshtar1 |
Kus | U.S.A, New YORK |
Etniline kuuluvus | Valge/Kaukaaslane |
Keeled | Inglise, Prantsuse, Rumeenia |
Eelistused | Biseksuaal |
Kõrgus | 160 |
Kaal | 68 |
Busti suurus | Suur |
Perse suurus | Keskmine |
Tuss | Karvane |
Juuksevärv | Blondid |
Silmavärv | Pruunid |
Im INNA a sexual women ready to have a lot of fun with you.I love special people who make me feel like a lady,smile,enjoy but the same time make me explode with lust and a lot of plasure.I have to enjoy my body and explore every inch of it!!!I love to chat and show my sexy body,maibe im a naughty sometimes:).I like classy man ready to fuck here because of my great appetite for sex,some quality time whit,fun,enjoy miself,get know people and see where that goes.Milf, nasty and wild. let's play together and find out how nasty. I'm a seductive woman who knows what a real man needs. I am waiting for you to see and discover how nasty they can be !!!!
Hello, welcome to my room! I am a mature woman who knows what she wants from a man. If you are curious to find me, enter my room and you will find out how sensual and passionate a woman can be. You will certainly not regret it.
Milf, nasty and wild. let's play together and find out how nasty
Mulle meeldib
I like men who know what a woman wants in a gentleman's word.I love sex,to make sex,i kike beign spoiled,loved,i love dive in passion,sex that drives me crazy and conversation about sex drive me insane.My greates fantasy is to be able to find that gentlemanly,affectionate and alternative man,who will take me to that world of lustand fantasy that i have allways dreamed and who is determined to make me feel the best and gratesst pleasure that very happy and educated women,i enjoy pleasant conversation that raises my mind to a burning and ancestral level,good energy and good vibes:)
I'm passionate about passionate kisses, uninhibited sex, strong men who know what a woman wants.
Mulle ei meeldi
I don t care who you are,what you look or how you choose live your life!.You don t need a monster cock to impress me...all it takes is paying attention me,respecting me,enjoying me,honesty and a lot of spoilling(i am a spoiled brat!cant you tell??)I like you to be in of it and leet me feel and enjoy you,so i can offer you same bacIf i asking for gifts or vibes,or whatever..its not going to turn any of us on..I am not a person that functions like a machine,i prefer to go with that and how a feel in that exactly moment!!!
I dislike misogynistic men, men who do not value women, insensitive, vulgar men who do not know how to appreciate a woman at her true worth
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