
Naine / 23 aastat / Vähk

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NimetusAliss_hottie (alissonone)
UK, Moldova
Etniline kuuluvusValge/Kaukaaslane
Busti suurusKeskmine
Perse suurusSuur


Hello guys , my name is Alis , 23 years ,mother of 2 little girls , single ,with full of life,amusament,kalm and kinky in many ways ! Im blonde with green eyes ,im an angel with an devil behind me (joke) , be carefoul my eyes cant catch you ! Meet me you

Veel ...

Hello ,my name is alis ,23 years ,and i like be a crazy girl ,partyes , smoking and play alote ...mother of 2 little girls and single !

Hello guys , my name is Alis , 23 years ,mother of 2 little girls , single ,with full of life,amusament,kalm and kinky in many ways ! Im blonde with green eyes ,im an angel with an devil behind me (joke) , be carefoul my eyes cant catch you ! Meet me you

Mulle meeldib

cuckolds guys , vibes and see dick jerk off

Veel ...

I love the vibes ,thats sure ! But i like do c2c for my cum working , see dick jerk off on front of me makes me crazy , and the big vibes too , i explode out .kinky guys are number 2 on my favourites fetish , the number 1 take the gentle mans what know

Mulle ei meeldi

Im a talker girl ,but the lies ,the liers,the people whos considering more up then others (unxepted the roleplay) are not my tipe ,i prefer honestity and good time , not fake peoples and liers !

Veel ...

i dont like the poeple who talk alote and dont do facts , at em is easy FACTS NO WORDS !!

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